Dr. Karen Lee's team services are listed below.
With the support of a grant by the Canadian federal government, Dr. Karen Lee has assembled a Housing for Health team at the University of Alberta to partner with many Alberta and Canadian partners on improving housing developments and their surrounding neighbourhoods for health, in particular physical activity, healthy food and beverage access, social connection and inclusion, and healthy aging.
Dr. Lee also provides Additional Services to different jurisdictions and organizations around the world, including:
1. Technical Assistance - Improve Health through Multi-Sector Work; and Improve the Economy, Environment and Equity Issues using Health
2. Keynote Speaker & Presentations - Organizing and conducting Keynote, Plenary and Panel Presentations on Health, the Built Environment & the Social Determinants of Health
2. Professional Trainings - Workshops, Webinars and other Strategies to Train Your Leadership and Staff, and Professionals from the Health, Built Environment, Economic Development, Environmental Sustainability, Housing, and Education sectors
3. Public Engagement Strategies using Health - Use the Health of our children and families, a shared value by community members of different backgrounds, to build public engagement for interventions to improve the built environment and social environments for multiple co-benefits
4. Youth Empowerment Programs - Engage youth to participate in Healthy community building
5. Policies Advisor - Use the experience of Dr. Karen Lee and her team to help you develop and implement built environment and social policies to improve health and multiple co-benefits from the environment to the economy to education outcomes to social equity
6. Developing Multi-Sector Partnerships - Dr. Karen Lee and her team can help you implement strategies and forums for dialogue to build public-private partnerships, and partnerships between different disciplines to maximize resources for and impacts of your work
7. Additional services tailored to your needs.