Additional Related Publications by or in partnership with Dr. Karen Lee:
Bartley KF, Eisenhower DL, Harris TG, Lee KK. Accelerometer and survey data on patterns of physical inactivity in New York City and the United States. Public Health Rep 2019; 134(3): 293-299.
Karen Lee. New York City: The Fit City Example. In Galeo S, Ettman C, Vlahov D. Urban Health. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Karen Lee. Planning and Public Health. PLAN Canada (Centenary Ed) 2019; 59(1): 202-208. Available at
Lee KK, Lon L, Adamic J, Perry A, Sacks R, Lam K, Tong S, Wolf S. Lesson learned from the development and implementation of a citywide stair prompt initiative. Prev Med Rep 2018; 13: 218-223. Available at
Rideout K, Kosatzky T, Lee KK. What role for environmental health public health practitioners in promoting healthy built environments? Canadian Journal of Public Health 2016; 107(1): e126-e129 .
Kelly PM, Davies A, Greig AJM, Lee KK. Obesity prevention in a City State: lessons from New York City during the Bloomberg administration. Frontiers in Public Health Policy March 30, 2016. Link.
Brittin J, Sorenson D, Trowbridge M, Lee KK, Breithecker D, Frerichs L, Huang T. Physical Activity Guidelines for School Architecture. PLOS ONE July 31, 2015. Link.
Yi SS, Bartley KF, Firestone MJ, Lee KK, Eisenhower DD. Self-reported sitting time in New York City adults, the Physical Activity and Transit Survey, 2010-2011. Preventing Chronic Disease 2015; 12(E85): 1-13.
Wolf S, Grimshaw VE, Sacks R, Maguire T, Matera C, Lee KK. The impact of a temporary recurrent street closure on physical activity in New York City. Journal of Urban Health. 2015;doi:10.1007/s11524-014-9925-0. Published online Jan. 10, 2015. Link to Full Text Article here.
Day K, Loh L, Ruff R, Fischer S, Rosenblum R, Lee KK. Does bus rapid transit promote walking? An examination of New York City’s Select Bus Service. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2014;11:1512-1516.
Karen K. Lee. Working Across Sectors for Health Equity. Cities for Health. Kobe, Japan: World Health Organization, 2014.
Karen K. Lee. Design and Health. Oxford Bibliographies. 2014. Link.
Andrew Rundle, James Quinn, Karen Lee, Katherine Bartley, Donna Eisenhower. Neighborhood walkability and physical activity in New York City. Epi Data Brief. New York: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2014. Link.
Karen Lee. Developing an Active Design Index for LEED. Green Building Information Gateway. March 5, 2014. Link.
Pleson E, Nieuwendyk LM, Lee KK, Chaddah A, Nykiforuk CI, Schopflocher D. Understanding older adults’ usage of community green spaces in Taipei, Taiwan. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2014; 11(2): 1444-1464. Link.
Rube K, Veatch M, Huang K, Sacks R, Lent M, Goldstein G, Lee KK. Developing Built Environment Programs in Local Health Departments: Lessons Learned from a Nationwide Mentoring Program. American Journal of Public Health 2014; 104(5): e10-e18. Link to full-text publication here.
Ruff RR, Rosenblum R, Fischer S, Meghani H, Adamic J, Lee KK. Associations between building design, point-of-decision stair prompts and stair use in urban worksites. Preventive Medicine2014; 60: 60-4.
Karen K. Lee, Joyce Lee. Active Design: Converging Design Efforts to Promote Environmental Sustainability and Address Today’s Leading Causes of Death. In Sustainable Healthcare Architecture, 2nd Ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons, 2013.
Maya Leventer-Roberts, Karen Lee. Walking up stairs in New York City. Epi Data Brief. No. 30. New York: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, July 2013. Link.
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Active Design: Guide for Community Groups. New York: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2013.
Lovasi GS, Schwartz-Soicher O, Quinn J, Berger DK, NeckermanK, Jaslow R, Lee KK, Rundle A. Neighborhood safety and green space as predictors of obesity among preschool children from low-income families in New York City. Preventive Medicine 2013; 57(3): 189-193.
Day K, Alfonzo M, Chen Y, Guo Z, Lee KK. Overweight, obesity and inactivity and urban design in rapidly growing Chinese cities. Health and Place 2013; 21: 29-38.
Noyes P, Fung L, Lee KK, Grimshaw VE, Karpati A, Digrande L. Cycling in the City: an in-depth examination of bicycle lane use in a low-income urban neighborhood. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2012; Dec 17.
Rundle A, Richards C, Bader MD, Schwartz-Soicher O, Lee KK, Quinn J, Lovasi GS, Weiss C, Neckerman K. Individual- and school-level sociodemographic predictors of obesity among New York City public school children. American Journal of Epidemiology 2012; 176(11): 989-994.
Lee KK et al. Promoting routine stair use: Evaluating the impact of a stair prompt across buildings. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2012; 42(2): 136–141.
Lee KK. Developing and implementing the Active Design Guidelines in New York City. Health and Place 2012; 18: 5–7.
Agarwal R, Rosenblum R, Riehm J, Mantyk B, Lee J, Lee K. Active Design and LEED: Early Use and Analysis of the Innovation Credit for Health. Greenbuild Conference Proceedings, 2011.
Lee K, Rutt C, Sharma A, et al. Conducting environmental assessments for physical activity: determining traffic volume in walkability audits in two West Virginia communities. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2008; 5: 909-917.
Lee K, Wolf S. Opportunities to Simultaneously Promote Green and Health through the PlaNYC Challenge. New York Campus Environmental Resource (NYCER) e-bulletin. Summer 2008.
Berger DK, Lee KK, Silver LD. Preventing and Managing Overweight and Obesity in Adults. City Health Information. April/May 2007; 26(4): 23-30.
Chronic Disease Working Group, Council of Medical Officers of Health (of Alberta). A Regional Health Authorities Framework for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention: A Response to the Alberta Healthy Living Framework. October 2003.
Framework Development Working Group, Alberta Healthy Living Network. The Alberta Healthy Living Framework: An Integrated Approach. A framework for integrated healthy living, health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Alberta. October 2003.
Updated Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 11 of textbook Shah C. Public Health and Preventive Medicine in Canada. 5th ed.
Ontario Provincial Working Group on Nutrition Promotion in the Workplace, Ontario Public Health Association. Guide to Nutrition Promotion in the Workplace (June, 2002).
Lee K, Rottensten K. A proposed model for the prevention and control of chronic diseases: analogies from communicable diseases. Public Health & Epidemiology Report Ontario (PHERO) October 27, 2001; 12(9): 305-313.
Lee K, Cole D, Beyers J. Creating Healthy Workplaces II...Towards A Comprehensive 11 Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Strategy in Workplace Health: A Strategy that Addresses the Work Factors Associated with Cardiovascular Disease. Institute for Work & Health, Hamilton-Wentworth Social & Public Health Services PHRED (Public Health Research, Education and Development) Program, and Sudbury & District Health Unit PHRED Program: December, 2000.
Lee K, Cole D. Workplace health promotion in Ontario public health units: results of a survey of attendees of the 2000 Health Promotion Ontario Spring Conference focusing on workplace health promotion. Public Health & Epidemiology Report Ontario (PHERO) September 29, 2000; 11(8): 200-205.
Lee K. Reply to Editorial “Why do rich people live longer?”. Annals of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada 1999; 32(1): 42-43.